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I was invited to do a site specific installation in Travana, Slovakia. The gallery was an abandoned synagogue.

I shot a video in Tranava and developed a series of street signs in the style of normal street signs. They presented short poetic lines which also became the lines sung and spoken in the video. They were distributed throughout the city. I also included my Interflow Architectures text. A beautiful catalogue was produced to accompany the show.

aléria Jána Koniarka v Trnave | Jan Koniarek Gallery in Trnava

Synagóga – Centrum súčasného umenia, Halenárska 2, Trnava | Synagogue – Centre of Contemporary Art, Halenárska 2, Trnava, Slovak Republic

The show was curated by Viera Levitt

Interflow Architectures Architektúry splynutí

The architecture of constructed spatial flows. Architektúra myslenej plynulosti priestoru.

The architecture of material flows. Architektúra materiálov_ch tokov.

The architecture of sense-flows. Architektúra plynulosti zmyslov.

The architecture of a physics of flow. Architektúra fyziky plynul_ch telies.

The architecture of body flows. Architektúra telesn_ch prúdení.

The architecture of electro-chemical flows. Architektúra elektro-chemick_ch prúdení.

The architecture of linguistic flows. Architektúra jazykov_ch plynulostí.

The architecture of semiotic flows. Architektúra semiotick_ch tokov.

The architecture of spatio-temporal flows. Architektúra plynutia _asopriestoru.

The architecture of thought flows. Architektúra my_lienkov_ch prúdov.

The architecture of biological flows. Architektúra biologick_ch tokov.

The architecture of chemical flows. Architektúra chemick_ch tokov.

The architecture of functional flows. Architektúra priebehu funkcií.

The architecture of mathematical flows. Architektúra matematick_ch kontinuí.

The architecture of gravitational flows. Architektúra gravita_n_ch prúdení.

The architecture of liquid flows. Architektúra kvapaln_ch tokov.

The architecture of waste flows. Architektúra odpadov_ch tokov.

The architecture of energy flows. Architektúra energetick_ch tokov.

The architecture of information flows. Architektúra informa_n_ch tokov.

The architecture of media flows. Architektúra mediálnych prúdení.

The architecture of electronic flows. Architektúra elektronick_ch tokov.

The architecture of optical flows. Architektúra optick_ch tokov.

The architecture of digital flows. Architektúra digitálnych tokov.

The architecture of manufactured nano-flows. Architektúra fabrikovan_ch nanotokov.

The architecture of code flows. Architektúra eticky kódovan_ch tokov.

The architecture of aesthetic flows. Architektúra estetick_ch prúdov.

The architecture of sexual flows. Architektúra sexuálnych prúdení.

The architecture of political flows. Architektúra politick_ch prúdov.

The architecture of social flows. Architektúra sociálnych vzopätí.

The architecture of virtual flows. Architektúra virtuálnych plynutí.

The architecture of the flow of time. Architektúra toku _asu.

The architecture of flows of feeling. Architektúra prílivov emócií.

The architecture of desire flows. Architektúra prívalov roztú_enosti.

The architecture of flows outside of our perceptual range. Architektúra plynutí mimo

zmyslového dosahu.

The architecture of intermingling fields of flow. architektúra prepl_vajúcich tokov_ch polí.

The qualities of differing viscosities. Vlastnosti rôznorodo pôsobiacich viskozít.

Negotiating the force of these flows. Usta_ovanie pomeru síl uveden_ch pnutí.

Epiphany Zjavenie

The history of a location História miesta

a quality of erosion povaha erózie

the slippage of materials nebadané miznutie materiálov

the illusion of permanence ilúzia stálosti

alluding to silence odkazy na ticho

the qualities of light kvality svetla

the minds eye vnútorn_ zrak

the memory of a people _ivé spomienky na _udí

a migration of energies migrácia energií

the building up and tearing down vytváranie a rozlo_enie

secret rooms beneath the surface utajené priestory pod povrchom

the sound of footsteps on stone zvuk krokov po kameni

the slow echo of the bells stále _írej_ie echo zvonov

rhythms escaping from passing vehicles rytmy okoloidúcich vozov

the voice of the news _erstv_ hlas správ

the qualities of ageing neoby_ajnos_ starnutia

the architecture of time architektúra _asu

the building up and passing away stavanie a strácanie sa

music in the distance vzdialen_ nápev skladby

a hallway with the lights off chodba vypnut_ch svetiel

graffiti hyroglyphics hieroglyfické nápisy na stenách

the repetition of work movements doznievanie repríz pracovn_ch pohybov

the mood of struggle nálada na trápenie

a duration of friction trvanie valivého odporu

the qualities and circumstances of release charakter a pomery procesu uvo_nenia