2004/03/01 — Durham NC, Bill Seaman Studio by Luc Courchesne

Photo by Luc Courchesne

Bill Seaman Headshot by Frieda Walsh-Seaman

Photo by Frieda Walsh-Seaman


Seaman's artworks often investigate a media-oriented poetics through various technological means — Recombinant Poetics. Such works often explore the combination and recombination of media elements and processes in interactive and generative works of art. Seaman enfolds image/music/text relations in these works, often creating all of the media elements and articulating the operative media-processes involved. He is self-taught as a musician/composer. More recently Seaman has also been exploring the creation of a transdisciplinary search engine related to Neosentience— the future of AI andRobotics, called The Insight Engine. This work is a mixture of conceptual art and science — Recombinant Informatics.

Grants and Awards

2021 - The ACM SIGGRAPH Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Art is awarded to William Seaman for his pioneering work ‘Recombinant Poetics / Recombinant Informatics / Neosentience’.

2018 - The Oper & with John Supko, directed by Jim Findlay, Experimental Opera, The Rubenstein Black Box Theatrer, Durham, NC. Made possible, in part, with support from the Mary Duke Biddle Foundation & the Office of the Vice Provost for the Arts at Duke University.

2013 - Bass Connections, Duke University

2012 - Duke Institute for Brain Sciences, Duke University

2009 - Council for the Arts, Major Collaboration Grant, Duke University

LWexner Museum - Video Artist Residency

2009 - Wexner Museum - Video Artist Residency

2005 - Video Production Grant - Avid / Boston Cyberarts

2005 - Large Format Photographic Signs - Castle Graphics / Boston Cyberarts

2003 - Rockefeller Grant Nominee

2003 - Wexner - Video Artist Residency

2003 - Artslink Travel Grant

2003 - Leonardo Award for Excellence, for “OULIPO | vs | Recombinant Poetics”,

2003 - Leonardo Digital Salon, 34:5 Edited by Christiane Paul

2002 - Langlois Foundation, Poly-sensing Environment

with Dr. Ingrid Verbauwhede, UCLA, Electrical Engineering, Mark Hanson, Bell Labs

Los Angeles, CA

2002 - Fulbright Distinguished American Scholar, Wellington

New Zealand

2001 - Chancellor’s Fund for Academic Border Crossing, UCLA

with Dr. Ingrid Verbauwhede, Electrical Engineering

Los Angeles, CA

1996-99 - Research Fellow, Interactive Art University of Wales

CAIIA-Centre for Advanced Inquiry in Interactive Arts

Caerleon, Wales

1999-2001 - Intel Research Gift

L.A., C.A.

1998 - Industrial Forum Award Hannover


1996 - Bonn Videonale Prize Bonn


1995 - Project Grant, Australian Film Commission

Sydney, Australia

1995 - International German Video Art Prize

Baden Baden, Germany

1995 - Travel Grant, Australian Film Commission

Sydney, Australia

1995 - Interactive Art, Prix Ars Electronica

Linz, Austria

1993 - Siemens Stipendium, ZKM Karlsruhe

Karlsruhe, Germany

1992-1993 - Australian Research Council

Sydney, Australia

1992 - Best International Video

Cadíz, Spain

1992 - Interactive Art, Prix Ars Electronica

Linz, Austria

1995 - First Prize, Berlin Film and Video Festival, Multimedia

Berlin, Germany

1990-91 - Travel Grant, New Image Research, Australian Film Commission

Sydney, Australia

1991 - National Tour Grant, New Zealand, Queen Elizabeth II Arts Council

Wellington, New Zealand

1989 - Travel Grant, Australian Video Festival

Sydney Australia

1987 - Fellowship, Massachusetts State Council Artist

Boston, Massachusetts

1987 - Cannon Europa Prize, World Wide Video Festival

Den Haag, Holland

1987 - Cat Fund Interarts Grant, National Endowment for the Arts

Washington, D.C.

1986 - Massachusetts Production Grant, Massachusetts State Council on the Arts and Humanities

Boston, Massachusetts

1986 - Fusion/Fission Grant, Real Art Ways

Boston, Massachusetts

1986 - Awards in the Visual Arts, Rockefeller Foundation

Winston-Salem, N. Carolina

1986 - Finalist, Artist Foundation

Hartford, Connecticut

1985 - Massachusetts Production Grant, Massachusetts State Council on the Arts and Humanities

Boston, Massachusetts

1985 - Monte Verite Invitational Prize

Locarno, Switzerland

1985 - First Prize, 2nd International Biennial

Ljubljana, Yugoslavia

1985 - Best Sound, Geneva International Video Festival

Geneva, Switzerland

1979 - First Prize, San Francisco Art Institute Sound Art

San Francisco, California