P.L.A.N.E.S. was a live concert of Seaman performing with tapes and a special substitution cypher tape loop at Experimental Intermedia Foundation NYC. DNA Hoover assisted. The sung texts were quite elaborate.
Listen P.L.A.N.E.S here
Key Concepts: substitution cyphers, experimental texts, readymade texts as sound art, experimental music, sound art.
B i l l S e a m a n / Dec. 17, 1981
P (1) A Number of Rooms
L (2) Neuronic Anagrams
A (3) AV / Acronymic Vehicle ( based on the book Space - Age Acronyms /
Abbreviations And Designations, by Reta C. Moser )
N (4) C9H13NO3 / Adrenalin ( compound / sound / formula ), a derivative function of
.apt.alt. - a previous sound work related to the Periodic Chart
(5) P L A N
key words: generative text, media elements, substitution cypher, compound meanings. Periodic table of elements